Food and gastronomy: glossary in Spanish and Catalan for your holiday in Spain

They say that the first step to happiness is eating well! For your food purchases and restaurant outings, here is a glossary on the subject of food.
Fish, meat, fruit and vegetables will hold no more secrets for you, in Spanish or in Catalan!
English |
Espagnol |
Catalan |
Bar |
Bar |
Bar |
Wine bar/wine cellar |
Bodega |
Celler |
To drink |
Beber |
Beure |
Bakery |
Panadería |
Forn de pa |
Checkout |
Caja |
Caixa |
Cashier |
Cajero/a |
Caixer/ra |
Card |
Carta |
Carta |
Delicatessen/butcher’s |
Carnicería |
Carnisseria |
Knife |
Cuchillo |
Ganivet |
Spoon |
Cuchara |
Cullera |
Lunch |
Almuerzo |
Dinar |
Dinner |
Cenar |
Sopar |
Starter |
Primer plato |
Entrant |
Party |
Fiesta |
Festa |
Fork |
Tenedor |
Forquilla |
Ice cream |
Helado |
Gelat |
Snack |
Merendar |
Berenar |
Oil |
Aceite |
Oli |
To eat |
Comer |
Menjar |
Market |
Mercado |
Mercat |
Menu |
Menú |
Menú |
Bread |
Pan |
Pa |
Cake shop |
Pastelería |
Pastisseria |
Breakfast |
Desayuno |
Esmorzar |
Pepper |
Pimienta |
Pebre |
Can you bring me the menu? |
Me trae la carta por favor ? |
Això em porta la carta si us plau ? |
Can you bring me the bill? |
Me trae la cuenta, por favor ? |
El compte, si us plau ? |
Restaurant |
Restaurante |
Restaurant |
Bag |
Bolsa |
Bossa |
Salt |
Sal |
Sal |
Service included |
Servicio incluído |
Servei inclòs |
Supermarket |
Supermercado |
Supermercat |
Vinegar |
Vinagre |
Vinagre |
Get into the Spanish mood: rent a villa in Lloret de Mar!
Bar and café
English |
Espagnol |
Catalan |
Aperitif |
Aperitivo |
Aperitiu |
With/without sugar |
Con/sin azúcar |
Amb/Sense sucre |
Beer |
Cerveza |
Cervesa |
Drink |
Bebida |
Beguda |
Bottle |
Botella |
Ampolla |
Coffee |
Café |
Cafè |
Coffee with milk |
Café con leche |
Cafè amb llet |
Milk chocolate |
Chocolate con leche |
Xocolata amb llet |
Half a pint of beer |
Caña |
Canya |
Water |
Agua |
Aigua |
Mineral water |
Agua con gas |
Aigua amb gas |
Fruit juice |
Zumo de frutas |
Suc de fruita |
Milk |
Leche |
Llet |
Lemon shandy |
Clara/Panaché |
Clara |
Tea |
Té |
Te |
Herbal tea |
Infusión |
Infusiò |
Glass (water) |
Vaso |
Got |
Glass (wine) |
Copa |
Copa |
Wine |
Vino |
Vi |
White wine |
Vino blanco |
Vi blanc |
Red wine |
Vino tinto |
Vi negre |
English |
Espagnol |
Catalan |
Artichoke crisps |
Chips d’alcachofas |
Xips de carxofas |
Snails |
Caracoles |
Cargols |
Home-made |
Casero/a |
Casolà |
Cheese |
Queso |
Formatge |
Ham |
Jamón |
Pernil |
Olives |
Aceitunas |
Olivas |
Potato omelette |
Tortilla de patatas |
Truita de patatas |
Mixed salad |
Ensalada |
Amanida |
Sandwich |
Bocadillo |
Entrepà |
Meat and fish
English |
Espagnol |
Catalan |
Lamb |
Cordero |
Xai |
Anchovies |
Anchoas |
Anxoas |
Beef |
Buey |
Bou |
Squid |
Calamar |
Calamar |
Duck |
Pato |
Anec |
Sea bream |
Dorada |
Orada |
Foie gras |
Foie |
Foie |
Seafood |
Mariscos |
Marics |
Oysters |
Ostra |
Ostra |
Rabbit |
Conejo |
Conill |
Mussels |
Mejillón |
Muslo |
Cod |
Bacalao |
Bacallà |
Mutton |
Carnero |
Marrà |
Eggs |
Huevos |
Ous |
Fish |
Pescado |
Peix |
Chicken |
Pollo |
Pollastre |
Grilled chicken |
Pollo asado |
Pollastre a l’ast |
Octopus |
Pulpo |
Polp |
Pork |
Cerdo |
Porc |
Sardine |
Sardina |
Sardina |
Sausage |
Salchicha |
Butifarra /Salsitxa |
English |
Espagnol |
Catalan |
Apricot |
Albaricoque |
Albercoc |
Almond |
Almendra |
Ametlla |
Pineapple |
Piña |
Pinya |
Banana |
Plátano |
Banana |
Cherry |
Cereza |
Cirera |
Lemon |
Limón |
Llimona |
Fig |
Higo |
Figa |
Strawberry |
Fresa |
Maduixa |
Raspberry |
Frambuesa |
Gerd |
Mellon |
Melón |
Meló |
Blueberry |
Arándano |
Arandano |
Hazelnut |
Nuez |
Nou |
Walnut |
Carnero |
Marrà |
Orange |
Naranja |
Taronja |
Watermelon |
Sandía |
Sindría |
Peach |
Melocotón |
Préssec |
Apple |
Manzana |
Poma |
Pear |
Pera |
Pera |
Plum |
Ciruela |
Pruna |
Grape |
Uva |
Raïm |
Vegetables and carbohydrates
English |
Espagnol |
Catalan |
Garlic |
Ajo |
All |
Artichoke |
Alcachofa |
Carxofa |
Aubergine |
Berenjena |
Albergina |
Carrot |
Zanahoria |
Pastanaga |
Mushroom |
Champiñon |
Bolet |
Cucumber |
Pepino |
Cogombre |
Courgette |
Calabacin |
Carbassó |
Bean |
Haba |
Mongeta |
Vegetables |
Verduras |
Verdura |
Lentils |
Lentejas |
La llentilla |
Onion |
Cebolla |
Ceba |
Pasta |
Pasta |
Pasta |
Leek |
Puerro |
Porro |
Chickpea |
Garbanzos |
Cigrós |
Pepper |
Pimiento |
Pebrot |
Potato |
Patata |
Patata |
Rice |
Arroz |
Arròs |
Tomato |
Tomate |
Tomàquet |
English |
Espagnol |
Catalan |
Toffee |
Caramelo |
Caramel |
Chocolate |
Chocolate |
Xocolata |
Dessert |
Postre |
Postre |
Cake |
Pastel |
Pastís |
Ice cream |
Helado |
Gelat |
Honey |
Miel |
Mel |
Sugar |
Azúcar |
Sucre |
Vanilla |
Vainilla |
Vainilla |
Yoghurt |
Yogurt |
Iogurt |