Granada, one of the most popular tourist spots of Spain
Amongst the various places of popular visit in Spain by tourists, Granada stands in the forefront. Located at a place of congregation of three famous rivers of Spain, surrounded by beautiful mountains and with its imposing natural beauty, this famous city is certainly one of the most precious jewels of Spain. Some of the places of interest in this city are mentioned here:
Alhambra Palace:
History says this palace was built for being used by the military but during the rule of the king Nasrid, it was converted into a palace. Improvements were carried out on the palace during the 13th to 15th century by adding watch towers, military barracks, court city, etc. Separate area was set up for plebeians and other noble personalities. The garden which has been given reddish tones is surrounded by many beautiful orchards and gardens. Entry to the palace is through a ticket which normally gets sold out very early. Separate tourists’ passes are available. Guides will help the tourists to obtain passes.
Perhaps it can be called as the ‘intoxicating city’; because as one walks through the roads which replicate the Albacian style, he is greeted by the most intoxicating sounds and perfumes. In fact Albacian is declared as a ‘world heritage’. This small town is located on the top of a small hill which can be accessed on foot or through mini buses which ply frequently. The roads are small and they are cobbled. The Albacian style is to paint the walls with carmine and the courtyard of the house is full of fruits and flowers.

Most of the roads are ‘L’ shaped and if one is not familiar with the roads; he would just end up meeting the gate of a house. People seem to have a fascination for art; this is proved by the fact that most of the streets depict beautiful paintings depicting various natural places of Albaicin. People here believe in generosity; most of the pottery shops quote Francisco Icaza, the famous poet who advocates giving alms to those unfortunate people.
Most of the houses have what is known as ‘kikkis’
which is almost similar to the view point or watch tower. There are many bars and restaurants located at vantage points to serve the tourist. There are places to help the tourists who visit this city of Albaicin. The Granada mosque has also been built very recently.
Once visited, Granada always remains fresh in mind.
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