Main Attractions In Barcelona

When you travel to the amazing Barcelona, there are a few sights that you must have in mind if you really want to say that you had the opportunity to visit the city. There are some places in Barcelona which definitely must stay on your sightseeing list as long as you wish to capture the essence of the city. The first of them is La Sagrada Familia; the overwhelming beautiful architectural work of Antoni Gaudi is a symbol of Barcelona, even though it is not finished yet.

If you climb one of its towers, you get a clear picture regarding the beauty of the monument as well as some amazing views of the city. The La Rambla pedestrian boulevard is another place that you have to visit, a place where you will feel the presence of the street performers, the colors and the joy of the city. Tourists who are interested in the artistic and cultural heritage of the city should make a stop at the Catalan Art Museum, the building which hosts the jewels of the Catalan art and genius.

Continuing the journey

The Montjuic gardens are a must see, a place where you can run away from the noise of the busy city and enjoy the beautiful scents of the flower bouquets. Tourists can also enjoy the view towards the Mediterranean Sea from one of the many Botanical Gardens and have the opportunity to use the romance of the surrounding area in order to spend some pleasant moments with their loved ones.

L’Eixample is the quarter that hosts the unbelievable Modernista facades which get more and more intriguing as you approach them. Picasso was a genius in painting, so the Picasso Museum which celebrates the life and work of the artist is a place that will amaze you. The Church dedicated to the Sea Lady is a beautiful example of Gothic architecture, a splendid monument dating back to the medieval era that will manage to get you, at least for a few moments, into the grand past of the country.

Park Guell, Eusebi Guell’s work of art was built to look like an English garden city. The result is a spectacular park right in the center of Barcelona. A FC Barcelona’s match on Camp Nou is another great experience where you can take part together with other 100,000 spectators. The Museu Maritim should be your last stop in order to understand the important role that water played in the history of this fantastic country.