Paseo Del Prado

The Paseo Del Prado is one of Madrid Spain’s most beloved boulevards. This boulevard extends from the north side of Madrid to the south side of Madrid, spanning from the “Plaze De Cibeles” which is on the north side of Spain all the way around to the “Plaza Del Emperador Carlos V” or“Plaza De Atocha” (The Spaniards have two different terms for this beloved piece of their history) which is on the south side of Spain.

The Paseo Del Prado forms the south end of Madrid’s central axis. It is lined with trees and oh so majestic, this eccentric avenue is an important landmark for Madrid’s residents. This landmark includes many different interesting cultural and some common tourist spots in Madrid like the “Golden Triangle of Art” which is one of the most common tourist spots in the city of Madrid.

There are three museums, the “Pedro Museum” and Francisco de Goya La maja vestida, the “Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum” which displays the collection of eight centuries of European paintings and finally the “Reina Sofia Museum”where art of Picasso is housed.

In Paseo Del Prado there are locations of the Parque Del buen Retiro and the Cason Del Buen Retiro and the school of the Real Academia Espanola, in other words The Spanish Academy. The strip also includes the city’s stock exchange called Bolsa de Madrid. The national congress, also called de Los piputados is on this strip. There is a project going on in a certain part of the Madrid strip where a bunch of architects have planned to change things up a bit, this was approved in June 2005.

Along this wide avenue originally laid out as the great Parade of the 18th century Madrid; lines of trees, beautiful flower beds and imposing buildings and parks can be seen. Madrid nightlife is so fierce on a weekly basis that you do not need to plan your trip around a special festival to guarantee a crazy time.

Madrilerios take their festivals nonchalantly like any other excuse to hit the Paseo Del Prado and enjoy the company of friends, music and of course alcohol. The Paseo Del Prado holds many festivals, museums, beautiful architecture and Culture. If you are planning a Trip to Spain, visiting the Paseo Del Prado is definitely worth the money you paid to visit the beautiful place of Madrid.