Spain: A Delight for Naturists
The people of Spain have an extra ordinary relaxed approach towards nudity over their beaches, keeping in mind that the Spain is a staunch Catholic country. According to a number of travelers to Spain, the place is paradoxical and popularity of nude beaches is still increasing. The society of Spain has considerably lowered its inhibitions and people are given freedom to express themselves or make them feel comfortable.
Nude beaches of Spain do not only attract Naturists but the place is heaven for swim-wear wearers also. Playa de Tejita in Spain is known for its long sandy beaches along the south coast in Tenerife. The place is a major attraction for naturists (nudists). Playa de Tejita is highly reputed nude beach and those interested in naked swimming and naked sunbathing find this place really attractive.
This nude beach of Tenerife lies just below the abrupt slopes Montana Roja (also called the Red Mountain). Montana Roja is 171-metre high stony and flat volcanic plain. The place is also considered to be a national reserve. Blue sun-loungers that are protected with straw sun shades can be higher at year and people can have great time relaxing.
Towards the left end of the beach, Playa de Tejita, a mixture of people of all age groups can be found bearing swimsuits, swimming trunks, bikinis or nothing at all. The fact that all the people of different interests and mentality co-exist here happily placing their concentration on enjoying the sea and sun, irrespective of the fact who is wearing what is unbelievable.
With the comfortable temperature (approximately 21° all year-round) that the place hosts, makes the beach an ideal spot. People can enjoy sunbathing and some swimming even during the mid-winters.
Playa de Tejita is also known for a small cove present at the end of the beach. The small cove can be reached by using a short path that is present over the low head land. This cove is very popular with nudists and gays.
Playa de Tejita makes an arch around the gentle bay towards the headland (on the west side). The place has a large number of apartments. The background of these apartments covers the volcanic hills present on the island.
Tourist who are specifically looking for Nude beaches can also go in for Playa de los Patos that the present towards the north of Playa de las Gaviotas and Puerto de la Cruz, 10 kilometres towards the north of Santa Cruz. Fuerteventura (in Canary Islands) also has many long beaches that are quite popular with nudists.
Photo Credit: Pixabay