Tapas in Granada

My Spanish aunt-in-law narrated her experience at tapas bars in Granada City and it was hard to believe that one could have a free plate of tapas for ordering a drink. She also mentioned Granada as her preferred destination because of the same free tapas, and our going there to retrieve the truth for ourselves.

Type of Tapas in Granada:

Chicken wings
Cured Ham
Potatoes in garden mayonnaise
Anchovies fried in clobber
Wine and garlic sauce

We found and checked into our exquisite Granada hotel and immediately ordered a glass of fine Spanish plonk. It was a hot Thursday afternoon, and the nice tapas bar across the street seemed very busy. I ordered a huge glass of Vino Tinto and it tasted better than what we would get back in England. As Aunty had told us, the owner began to serve a delicious looking variety of fresh food. It was like the type you pay a lot for all over Spain and England. First, a corned ham was served, which had just been cut and had been hanging just a while ago.

Then pistachios, cheese, and a few bread slices with virgin olive oil were served. Fulfilling my expectations, I drank my wine and start enjoying my Granada vacation. Therefore, I ordered a glass again and along came another plate of free tapas but with different dishes than before. There were a few delicious chicken wings with oil sauce, and Spanish tomatoes, several fresh slices of bread, and some olives. We were allured by the things that we got for only half price, but to be served free excellent tapas made me overjoyed.

We explored Granada more and these fine tapas bars turned out to be our regular hangout. For me the friendliness and relaxed attitude of Spanish people in business really amazed me, as this is unusual for a Londoner where the people are quite hectic and busy all day. So it turned out, the local people and food seemed better with more and more time spent there. Tapas are positively worth an excuse to visit Granada if nothing else. For more travel advice and information about the surrounding places of Granada and its specialty, tapas, please visit Granada.